Our Events

CFM Main Office, Mbale

One door closes another one opens

22 graduates have graduated from CFM Mbale in their respective…
Bunabutye- Bulambuli District

Energy saving charcoal Stove Making in Bunambutye

Project Beneficiaries were being trained on energy saving stoves making
Bunabutye- Bulambuli District

Equipping Students with Educational Resources in Bunambutye

We distributed essential scholastic materials, including books, pens, and pencils,…

Community Garden Establishment Event

Cfm World Org is proud to launch the “Building Abundance”…

Donate to Educate

Together, let’s ensure every child in Manafwa District has the…

Expanding our outreach

This outreach program is designed to assist families, individuals, and…

Livelihood Expo in Namisindwa

Cfm World Org is heading to Namisindwa for a dynamic…

Food Distribution and Resource Fair in Bugema

Cfm World Org is bringing a day of hope and…

A Borehole Establishment Project

Cfm World Org is committed to improving the lives of…

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